Sort Lines
Sort your text and sentences with our online tool Sort Lines to ease your job. Our tool, created by professionals, offer you the best and quickest way to ease your daily coding routine.
For web developers and programmers, the world’s easiest online line sorter. Simply put your text into the box, hit the button, and you'll get the identical lines ordered by your choice. Get the text by pressing a button.
This is a very basic browser-based application for sorting and arranging lines in a list in ascending or descending order. The lines can be sorted alphabetically, numerically, or by length. You can also trim individual lines and delete duplicates and empty items. To divide the input list elements, you can use any character.
If you're coding or working with a huge data file, a line sorter might come in handy. For instance, if you want to neaten up the way your web application shows a list of data, you might sort the elements from shortest to longest (or from the longest to the shortest).
For the input data, you may use this tool to sort lines. You may sort the data in a variety of ways, including ascending, descending, length ascending, length descending, natural sort ascending, natural sort descending, and natural sort ascending. The term "natural sort ordering" refers to an alphanumerical sorting standard that appears natural to people. Follow these procedures to make advantage of the functionality. Following are some examples of the options and how to use our tool.
How to use Sort Lines function
1. Paste data into the Input box or type it in manually.
2. Select ascending or descending from the check menus.
3. Look at the output window to see the result.
Sort Lines Examples

C is the first letter of this line.
Y is the first letter of this line two.
R is the first letter of this line three.
AscendingC is the first letter of this line. R is the first letter of this line three. Y is the first letter of this line two. | DescendingY is the first letter of this line two. R is the first letter of this line three. C is the first letter of this line. |